


Dear friends, 
We would like to share a brief summary of what we’ve done in 2015/16 and a few updates on the upcoming season.


To start with, our long-awaited debut album with works by Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Pavel Karmanov was released in April 2016 on the Phonomatik Lab label, and shortly after Nouvelle Philharmonie went on its very first international concert tour to promote it.

We performed in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium and Belarus. And our efforts were not in vain! NP’s concerts received a lot of encouraging feedback and got quite positive reviews frommusic critics. Klassiek Centraal (a Belgian music magazine) even granted us a Golden Label Award (see photos from the ceremony here).

Just in case you missed the tour – you can watch a video of us playing a fragment of Tchaikovsky’s The Seasons (June: Barcarolle).      


We were excited to re-discover Minsk with what turned out to be a series of concerts: first one took place at the Minsk Philharmonic and marked the end of The Seasons tour (watch the concert here). Two others were held at somewhat less conventional locations - on a rooftop in the city centre and on a raft in the middle of a lake, in a picturesque rural landscape. 

2015/16 was in fact full of other memorable performances going beyond The Seasons tour, among which, most definitely, MicroFest and our performance at the CultuurMarkt 2016 in Antwerp, Belgium. We were happy to share the stage with such amazing artists as Natalia Lipnitskaya, Andrei   Malakhov, Anastasia Feruleva, Anton Martynov, Kremena Nikolova, Annelise Clément and, of course, our partner in crime and wonderful friend Artiom Shishkov.

As for now we are very much looking forward to start a new season. It officially starts on October 7 with Segrey Smirnov’s pianorecital at Santpoort-Noord’s ‘T Mosterdzaadje.  The following day Dima Tsypkin (cello) joins him in Gouda to play in one of the most beautiful churches in the Netherlands, Sint Jan | de Grote Kerk van Gouda.  The programme includes pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, Philip Glass and Arvo Pärt.

On October 22 Nouvelle Philharmonie will be performing in Paris at a contemporary concert/exhibition venue 59Rivoli. The concert will be held within the framework of the “Le Classique c'est pour les Vieux!” festival.

As for 2017, we are excited to put a new destination on our touring map – Kiev. For that event, which will take place at the National Philharmonic of Ukraine, we will be joined by Andrei Malakhov (alto).

For more info and updates subscribe to our Facebook page and check our website.

We look forward to seeing you at our concerts!


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*Photography by Maxim Shumilin |